Christian Summer Camp Colourful Planet
for Special Needs Children

How it started

     In 1992 we founded an intiative group of young Christians seeking to minister children with special medical, physical and developmental disabilities. We wanted to find the way such kids could make new friends and see the world outside the room. This is how Camp Colourful Planet for special needs children was founded. Camp Colourful Planet is a non-profit organization which depends upon the generosity of individuals, civic groups, foundations and companies.The camp utilizes a specially trained vollunteer summer stuff of Christians from all denominations.

Our desire is that every kid could:

  •     feel accepted, loved and special
  •     recognize his/her individuality and develop his/her talents
  •     meet people some of those would become their best friends
  •     get acquainted with the Bible and the message of the Gospel


 10 Bijskaya Str.

656053 Baranul, Russia


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